rlxos GNU/Linux

rlxos is an independent initiative dedicated to creating a secure, reliable, and high-performance operating system based on the Linux kernel. Our vision is to bring Android-like security and workflow to desktop systems, while maintaining full functionality and customization options for users.

At the heart of rlxos is its sysroot-managed immutable root filesystem, powered by libostree, which introduces a suite of advanced features designed to enhance system integrity and performance:

  • Atomic Updates: Updates are applied in a fully transactional manner, ensuring that the system is never left in an incomplete or unstable state.
  • Seamless Version Rollback: Easily revert to a previous system version in case of issues with a new update, minimizing downtime and troubleshooting efforts.
  • Modular Software Expansion via Extensions: Software can be installed as extensions, leaving the core system untouched, offering flexibility without sacrificing stability.
  • Delta Updates for Efficient Bandwidth Usage: Only the differences between system versions are downloaded, significantly reducing bandwidth consumption during updates.

Immutable Root Filesystem

An immutable root filesystem refers to a system design where the root filesystem is read-only, protecting it from standard modifications. This design is key to enhancing system security and stability, as it prevents unwanted changes to core components. In rlxos, this concept is realized through libostree, which also enables features such as atomic updates and rollbacks.


  • Enhanced System Integrity: The read-only nature of the filesystem safeguards against corruption and accidental modifications.
  • Improved Security: Unauthorized changes to critical system files are nearly impossible, significantly bolstering security.
  • Predictable and Consistent Environment: A stable, consistent system state benefits users and developers by reducing unexpected issues and enhancing reliability.


  • Reduced Customization Flexibility: The inability to modify core system files may be limiting for users who prefer full control over their system.

Why rlxos?

  • Security-Driven Design: rlxos is built around a security-first philosophy, using an immutable root filesystem to protect the system from unintended changes.
  • Reliable and Consistent Updates: Atomic updates ensure that the system is always in a consistent, functional state, with seamless rollback options for added reliability.
  • Reproducible Builds for Trust and Transparency: With Ignite, rlxos guarantees fully reproducible builds, ensuring that every user gets the same, verifiable system environment.

Why not rlxos?

  • Limited Customization for Power Users: The immutable root filesystem restricts direct modifications, which might not appeal to users seeking complete control over system configuration.
  • Developing Ecosystem: While rlxos is stable and reliable, it may lack some of the ecosystem maturity found in more established Linux distributions.

Ignite: Buildtool for rlxos

Ignite is the powerful build tool used by rlxos to ensure full reproducibility across all system components. Whether updating or building from source, Ignite guarantees that identical binaries are produced every time, offering unparalleled trust and consistency.


  • Guaranteed Reproducibility: Every build of rlxos produces the same binaries, ensuring a consistent and stable environment for all users.
  • Streamlined Debugging and Issue Resolution: With a reproducible system, bugs and issues can be pinpointed and resolved more efficiently, thanks to the consistent environment.
  • Enhanced Security and Trustworthiness: Reproducible builds provide a transparent system that reduces the risk of unauthorized changes or tampering.