Installating RLXOS

Getting Installer Image

Get the latest ISO release of RLXOS from Download Page. Server Repository provides Zsync data from ISO, so if you already had the ISO of previous version you can simply zsync to save bandwith.

Creating Installation Media

You need a USB drive of alteast 4 GiB size to build the installation media. This medium will provide the temporary environment to Install RLXOS on your system.

Windows Operating System

If you are from Windows you can use rufus tool to flash Installer Image into your USB drive.

  1. Plug your USB drive and open Rufus.
  2. Select your USB drive on Device Property | Device.
  3. Select the Installer Image on Device Property | Boot Selection.
  4. Select Device Property | Partition Schemae to MBR if you are on BIOS System and EFI on EFI System .
  5. Leave other settings as it is and Click Start.
  6. Select DD Mode of EFI System and ISO Mode of Bios System and wait for the process to complete.

Linux Operating System

If you are on Linux you can simply use dd command to create installer media. To do so execute the below command.

sudo dd=/path/to/rlxos-installer.iso of=/path/to/USB bs=1M status=progress

replace /path/to/rlxos-installer.iso and /path/to/USB to appropriate paths

Virtual Environment

If you are trying rlxos on Virtual Environment you can use default settings or preconfigured settings to any Major linux distributions for example Ubuntu 22.10, it will be well with rlxos as well.

Now Plug the installation media and reboot your system. You might need to Enter the Bios firmware to Select the Boot Device, To do that you need to press the Boot Key just after you see the vendor logo after reboot. For Most devices Boot Key are either F12, F2 or F8

Installing RLXOS

The installation media drops you into the Initial Setup Mode from where you can configure the installation. Follow the Step by Step guide below.

  1. Initial Setup window will pop up to help you to setup RLXOS onto your system. Or you can Manully start it from the Blue Installer Icon on the bottom panel. Welcome

  2. Initial Setup offers you the following installation methods

    • Clean Install: This method format the Selected Disk i.e delete each and every file on that complete disk and install rlxos on a single partition.
    • Selected Partition: Since rlxos need a single partition and you want to install rlxos along side your current operating system. You can choose a single partition to install rlxos on it
    • Manual Partition: If you are an advance user and need custom partitioning then follow 3rd and 4th steps Welcome
  3. You can skip to 5th step if you are not choosing manual partition. The first step is to select an appropriate partition to install RLXOS, you can edit your partition layout using the edit button or using Gparted Disk Icon from bottom panel Disk Selected

  4. If you are on Virtual System or have a blank drive You need to create a new Parititon table from Gparted a. Select msdos Parition table if BIOS and gpt for EFI (or you can create a 1 MiB Leading partition with Bios Boot flag on EFI for gpt). BIOS Partition Layout Disk Selected GPT Partition Layout Disk Selected

  5. Once you are finished with the partition you can close the Select the appropriate partition to start the installation process, Click Next to proceed

  6. Confirm your selection for the final time, After Clicking the Apply Button you can not revert back. Click Apply to start the installation process. Confifm

  7. Wait for the installation process to Finish, Once the installation process finished you will see a success label on the window as button to reboot your system. Confifm

Congratulation! You have successfully Installed RLXOS into your system

If you report any error encountered during the installation process at any of our community groups or social media channel


  1. You can use below keyboard shortcuts to debug installation process
Keyboard Shortcuts Application
CTRL+ALT+T Terminal Window
ALT+F2 Application Finder